
Group Benefits Quoting API
Sales Cloud

Expand your quoting processes and workflows with instant data.
  • Instant quoting with over 100,000 plans from more than 1,000 carriers
  • Coast-to-coast coverage and representation of carrier plan data from all 50 states
  • More than 170 data operations and carrier team members continuously update, refine and expand our dataset

Features + Benefits

Connect the Data You Have

By using existing census or enrollment data that already lives in your tech stack and adding the Zywave Group Benefits Quoting API, you can automate employee benefits quoting within your platform.

Data that’s Accurate and Drives Your Efficiency

Zywave Group Benefits Quoting API provides carefully sourced, accurate and useable carrier data delivered frictionlessly into your workflows. Zywave has a dedicated data operations and carrier team of over 170 professionals that work directly with carriers to deliver exceptional data and expand the API library.

On-the-Spot Quotes to Fit Your Needs

The Group Benefits Quoting API provides instant quoting capabilities with over 100,000 plans from over 1,000 carriers without the need for new software. By utilizing Zywave’s API, you’ll reduce data entry errors, effort to update carrier data and downtime to validate data.

More Sales Cloud Solutions

Sales Cloud for Employee Benefits

Find new ways to grow your benefits business and retain existing clients. Boost customer satisfaction and set your agency apart in an increasingly competitive marketplace.

Sales Cloud for Commercial Lines

Grow your agency with solutions designed specifically for commercial insurance brokers. Offer unique value-adds and strategies designed to establish your industry expertise and make you an indispensable partner.

Sales Cloud for Personal Lines

In an increasingly competitive marketplace, find new ways to grow your business and retain existing clients. Drive efficiency through each step of the client lifecycle from generating new leads to renewal.
Group Benefits Quoting API Info Sheet
Group Benefits Quoting API Carrier Map
Decisely Case Study

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